Marc Gysels makes a unique board game about cycling


Marc Gysels makes a unique board game about cycling. — © koen fasseur

Marc worked on his idea for 15 years: 'Cycling Legends' brings tactics from the race to the game board

Kalmthout -

The Cycling Legends concept grew for fifteen years. Marc Gysels' board game takes you into the world of cycling. Tactics, determining strategic goals and always thinking one step further than the others: the participants imagine themselves for a moment as Patrick Lefevere or Richard Plugge from Jumbo-Visma.

Erik Vandewalle

Even those who know nothing about modern cycling can enjoy this board game. Designer Marc Gysels (58) just completed his prototype. Good to know: the names of cycling legends are not explicitly mentioned, because Gysels does not want any hassle about whether or not they are allowed to be used.

Make your own course. — © koen fasseur

The board game with all its components is on the table. Gysels places the last small plastic cyclists on the board and hands out the playing cards. “Do you remember them? Actually, I'm referring to those plastic racing drivers from my childhood. They were about 5 cm tall and the team colors of the time were recognizable. They were very popular in my youth, but they are too big for this board game. That's why I had smaller riders made.”

The prototype is on the table. — © koen fasseur

“I actually wasn't really a cycling fanatic before. I played football. But by occasionally watching a race on TV, I discovered that racing is more than just pushing hard on the pedals. There are strategies behind leaders, attacks, the specific course... That fascinated me,” says Marc Gysels. As a child and later as an adult, he played a lot of board games. “The first thing I always did was come up with my own variations on a game. And so the idea to make one myself grew. That idea was diluted by professional activities, but never completely disappeared.”

Until about fifteen years ago, and then a long period of development followed. “The basic concept grew. Lots of playing, changing, adapting, scrapping and starting over. During the difficult corona period I had enough time to evolve the board game into what it ultimately is.”

Flat stages, cobblestone sections, mountain stages, everything is there. — © koen fasseur

The colorful game board is a road route. On one side there is a course marked out for flat races and cobblestone sections. If you turn the game board over, the riders end up in the high mountains. You will also find 17 cyclists, dice, 90 game and 40 chance cards in the game box. There are no words on the cards, the images and icons speak for themselves. This has the advantage that the game has one worldwide version. Each team leader also receives a Team Management Board. This forms the basis for tactical decisions. You decide whether you play with a leader or bet on the entire team.

Develop tactics via Team Management Board. — © koen fasseur

Marc Gysels is now looking for a publisher. “There have already been several discussions, but they have not yet led to an end result. Marketing it yourself is an option, but it is not really that easy financially. On November 25 and 26, Marc Gysels will be at the largest games fair in Flanders. This takes place in Antwerp Expo and brings together publishers, game authors and demonstrators.


Marc Gysels

Bedankt voor de interesse en de leuke feedback. Nadat we getracht hadden om het uit te besteden aan een uitgever, zijn we nu aan het plannen om het zelf uit te brengen.
We proberen het nog dit jaar op de markt te brengen.


Zelfde als Steven, al eerder, wij zijn ook fan!
We kijken enorm uit naar dit spel! Kan niet wachten om het te spelen.

Marjolein en Marleen


Zelfde als Steven, al eerder, wij zijn ook fan!
We kijken enorm uit naar dit spel! Kan niet wachten om het te spelen.

Marjolein en Marleen

Steven Schrauwen


Ik zag op kickstarter dat het project unsuccesfull was. Maar ligt het project nu dan stil? Of gaat het nog verder door? Want ik ben wel nog fan.



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